Page name: Fight For The Rights of Many [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-08 17:21:57
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Ok, listen people, this is a rp station, and even though the name says fight, if you start shit i will fight back and get you banned *smiles cheerfully*



(i would like to know how to get a F***ing picture here too)

so enjoy yourself and give me ideas about competitions...

have fun....

if you would like to join the Wiki as a member, feel free to IM me so that i may get the page ready. *winks* thank you.

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2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: holy crap...

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: holy crap what? O.o

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: dunno, i just had to write something to get you in here. had to leave a comment

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: lmao good way to do that

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: true, now we just have to find some more people for in here.

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: yeah thats for sure. Fights for the rights of Many there ya go, put it in ur mood just put Fight for the rights of many@wiki in the brackets

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: k k

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: I did it too :p

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: yey yey ^^

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: lol silly

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: o.O

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: i'll bbl, gos to do something *huggs* later

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: alright, have fun! *hugs back* laterz

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *dissappears*

2005-10-28 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *reappears and sits uninterested in anything for the moment*

2005-10-28 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: anything wrong?

2005-10-31 [My Sorrows Never Die]: just tired...

2005-10-31 [A heartbroken fool]: hello

2005-10-31 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles* hello *sighs, thankful for the absence of fighting*

2005-10-31 [A heartbroken fool]: yay no fighting

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: fighting is gay...

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles and celebrates for peace*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: lol silly

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles only in the mornings after late night fun *laughs from all the candy in her system*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: lmfao Candy rocks!

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *holds tummy* especially if in limited amounts...*groans* errrr

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: yeah, aint that the truth. My tummy hurts too :S

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *groans again and pop another shock tart into her mouth* and yet you never learn...

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: So true. Hey, do you like now and laters? I'll trade you 3 for a shock tart. I havent had them in a minute :p

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *dumps out her hat that is full of almost nothing but shock tarts...and tooties pops* grrrr...sure! i love now and laters *tosses you afew packs your way

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: O.o YAY *dumps out my big bag of candy* YAY *opens the shock tarts up and eats em then hands you now and laters* You can have bunches more if you want. Just pick from the pile ^^

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *jumps into the pile of candy and drags the Dancer with her to swim in the sugar lake* he he CANDY!!!!

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: *laughs and jumps in and throws candy in the air* YAY Candy is the best!!!

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *laughs and starts to drown in the candy surplus*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: mmm *gives an evil grin and starts to munch on Chocolate* mmm

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *drags the dancer under with her*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: who's the dancer? I'm confuzzled *scratches head*

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: you! he he

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: (namer for the dancer pleaser?) o.O

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: O.o ooo me? *smiles and takes you under into a world of sweets* hehe My name is Tana...:)

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: ah remembers now

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: hehe What's yours? O.o

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: Bea

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: Ooo Well nice to meet you Bea :)

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: NIce to meet you Tana! *huggles* brb

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: *huggles* okie dokie

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: back back !!! XD

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: YAY *dances and throws a piece of candy at you* O.o hehe :p

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *jumps over the candy and lands on a packet of katsup and laughs as is spurts everywhere* i like that word-spurts he he

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: and where the hell did Katsup come from??? *looks around for the jerk who dared hand out katsup for Halloween* grrrrrr....

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: O.o katsup? Wtf? lol that's wierd. *looks around with you and gives the evil eye* We'll find em!

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *hunts down the Katsup king and squishes his ass and screams whens yellow splurts out instead of red* o my god!!! i've been living a lie!!! o what a world! *faints*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: O.o noooooooooo its gotta be red! *fans you to try to wake you up*

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *pops up and tickles the Tana mercilessly* mwahhahhahha!!!

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: Ahhh! NO! *laughs and trys to get away* you're so evil! lol

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *laughs evily and trips over a large tootsie roll and fall in to the candy* NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: mwahahahaha *giggles and falls with you and tickles you back* haha

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *laughs and yawns at the same time* hey have you ever been to the old chat on Mainstreet?

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: hehe Yeah a few times...why?

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: i'm in there alot, g2g for now though, back in another 45 minutes *snuggs*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: oh okie dokie. Talk to you later hun *hugs*

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *huggles and cuddles* ish back *eats chocolate chip cookie and offers one to you*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: YAY *dances* aww thank you *takes the offered cookie and nibbles on it* Want a piece of cake?

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: what kind? can't have chocolate cake...>.>....<.<....i'm watching my girlish figure! *struts around to show off her abnormally large curves..O.o*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: well, they're isnt any chocolate in it, its a vanilla kind. *watches you and drools* oops lol

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *laughs and flaunts around teasingly* He he *takes a piece and savours the Vanillaness...* mmmmm

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: O.o Thats it, I cant take the teasing! *pounces on you and licks ur cheek* hehe

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *blushes and returns the lick* from rolling around in the sugar, you sure taste good! ^_^

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: ooo I got a lick :D *licks ur arm* thankies, you taste good too! ^-^ *licks lips* mmm

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles and licks your nose* he he i love sugar

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: *twiches and licks your ear* :p who doesn't love sugar? lol Taste best on you though hehe

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *giggles* not as good as you...*holds up your arm for you to taste while she licks her tummy*

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: who's lickin who's tummy? I'll lick your tummy! :D

2005-11-01 [My Sorrows Never Die]: me licked your tummy *licks it again* c yous tomarrow *huggles and licks* bye

2005-11-01 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: aww I wont be here tomorrow :( Today's my last day to have a computer :( Miss you! *licks your tummy back* I'll be on every now and then at the library.

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles* kk *giggles* i cya when i cya...*huggles*

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: hey yall

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *nodds* heyo

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: how are u today

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: tired...*yawns* i was up really late...

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: i aint been to sleep

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *pouts* hey quick ?tion...could we put that picture of that cute girl up in here? *pouts from missing the picture*

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: wich girl

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: the one you were putting up in the suicide hotline (she's dancing around ^_^)

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: <img:>

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: <*IMG:*> heres the code take out the *

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: thankies ^_^ we have a banner!

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: hahaha to bad the fuckin gaurds wont let u have it on ur page they will take it off

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: brb

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: k

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: back back, will they really take it down?

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: yea if u put it in ur house the ywill i had it in mine and in my mood and they took it down on both

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: zat sux...i wonder why...they don't take down have the nude drawings...

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: yea they say it violates the uploading art rules but they dont sya nuthin if i put it up in a wiki

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: hmmm...k k

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: yea i am bored

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *magics some more candy and munches on some peanut butter cups while throwing out the Twizzlers*

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: bbl...has to go to American Gov for 45 minutes than i be back *huggs*

2005-11-02 [A heartbroken fool]: k "higs" ttyl

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *laughs* ish back now!

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: it is still up! *celebrates*

2005-11-02 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: i done had that pic and a few more in my house, guards deleted them bcuz the pics move

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: are you kidding???? that sux

2005-11-02 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: nope, not kidding. I almost got banned bcuz I went off on every guard but then we came to an agreement and we're friends now lol

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: lmfao! great story...

2005-11-02 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: lol aint it tho?

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: *smiles and nods*

2005-11-02 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: anywho- How are you today? Anything exciting going on?

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: not's still f***ing freezeing in here...

2005-11-02 [My Sorrows Never Die]: lunch bbl

2005-11-02 [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: *gets a blankey and cuddles with you* There...all better? ^^

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